A good agent or publisher can see hundreds of submissions a month in their line of work and as such, they have the opportunity to be very selective about what work they choose to accept. If they find a book has errors or that there is a problem with the plot or narrative voice, the chances are that your work will be ignored.
This is where a good manuscript critique can be such a great help. A professional critique can provide advice on narrative voice, place, plot and dialogue, recommending improvements and amendments that will help your book be more eye-catching and marketable.
At Wallace Self-Publishing Services, we offer a professional manuscript critiquing service on novels, novellas and short stories. As part of this service, the author receives a 2-3 page summary, general advice on industry expectations and suggestions on how best to get your work to the standards required.
If you would like to request a manuscript critique or you would like to discuss the service further, please click the button below and tell us your manuscript's word count and genre.
This is where a good manuscript critique can be such a great help. A professional critique can provide advice on narrative voice, place, plot and dialogue, recommending improvements and amendments that will help your book be more eye-catching and marketable.
At Wallace Self-Publishing Services, we offer a professional manuscript critiquing service on novels, novellas and short stories. As part of this service, the author receives a 2-3 page summary, general advice on industry expectations and suggestions on how best to get your work to the standards required.
If you would like to request a manuscript critique or you would like to discuss the service further, please click the button below and tell us your manuscript's word count and genre.